IRONSHORE EDU – Site Pollution Incident Legal Liability Select (SPILLS)

Acknowledgement to Ironshore Environmental
Ironshore EDU is a comprehensive environmental insurance policy that assists schools in managing their environmental exposures in an affordable manner, thereby helping to control not only environmental liabilities but also school finances.

  • Mold:  Costly remediation of mold growth; associated bodily injury claims.
  • Contaminated drinking water:  Bodily injury claims related to drinking water, whether the drinking water wascontaminated on or offsite.  Remediation expenses to neutralize any contamination impacting the drinking water.
  • Caulk containing PCBs:  PCBs can be emitted into the air increasing the potential of bodily injury for those exposed. Thecaulk can also settle in soil outside of the school resulting in expensive soil excavation and removal.
  • Legionella:  Bodily injury claims related to drinking water or indoor air impacted by legionella.
  • Carbon monoxide:  Caused by machinery malfunctions, and can lead to serious bodily injury including death.
  • Storage tanks:  Releases of heating oil or fuel from underground or aboveground storage tanks may impact the Insured’s or neighboring properties, thereby necessitating remediation expenses or resulting in claims for bodily injury.
  • Indoor Air Quality:  Many of the above issues affect indoor air quality. Minors/students are often more susceptible to poor indoor air quality, and therefore are at greater risk of injury. Offsite industrial and commercial sites (gas stations, dry cleaners, etc.) can impact indoor air quality at schools due to releases of pollutants at these sites.
  • Defense:  Claims for environmental exposures can be costly, even when the Insured ultimately prevails on the merits.

Ironshore EDU SPILLS Policy:

  • Comprehensive environmental coverage for schools
  • Low minimum premium – $5,000
  • Low minimum deductible – $10,000
  • Ease of placement – minimal underwriting and information is required for placement.

Ironshore EDU Site Pollution Incident Legal Liability Select (SPILLS) Coverage Specifics:

  • No need to schedule properties. All environmental liability of the school district is covered, unless specifically excluded. This includes transportation, waste disposal activities and business interruption.
  • Broad definition of Pollutants including mold, legionella, caulk containing PCBs, carbon monoxide and contaminated drinking water.
  • 1st & 3rd Party On-Site and Off-Site Remediation of Pollutants.
  • 3rd Party Bodily Injury and Property Damage.
  • Pre-existing and New Conditions.
  • Business Interruption, including costs for alternate educational or athletic facilities. No co-pay.
  • Emergency Response Expenses (without a sublimit).
  • 1st and 3rd Party Transportation Coverage.
  • Blanket Non-Owned Disposal Site Coverage.
  • Limits available from $250K up to $30M.

Product Enhancements and Services

  • 24/7 emergency response by local, licensed Environmental Emergency Responders available on demand at pre-approved, negotiated rates.
  • Claims
  • Nationally recognized panel council
  • Extensive, relevant insurance experience with extensive environmental experience.

Consultants Network

  • National Network of Environmental Consultants available for a multitude of services to support client’s risk management activities
  • Risk Management Services available to support clients regarding risk mitigation strategies, compliance with government regulations or prepare for complex government acts

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